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Guest Speaker for Trust and Compassion Week at St. Therese Chinese Catholic School
March 15, 20139:00 am – 1:00 pmdetails
Author Visit and Book Signing at Ann Reid Early Childhood Center
February 14, 20139:00 am – 1:00 pmdetails
Author Visit and Book Signing at St. Thomas of Villanova School
February 1, 20139:00 am – 1:00 pmdetails
Author Visit and Special Guest for Family Night at St. John the Evangelist School
January 31, 20139:00 am - 9:00 pmdetails
Happy Father's Day!
Jun 14, 2014 by
I remember my wonderful father William Harris with great fondness today. I'm also pleased to honor the memory of Gordon Inskeep with a reflection from his daughter Ann.
Of course, little ones make this holiday so much fun and I'm happy to include photos and sentiments from Peter, Lucy and Brigette, along with a clever piece of Father's Day art from my friend Julie.

Clockwise: Dad in the Army, 1943; My Dad the Horse Whisperer; Me and Dad, Christmas 1980; Dad at 16, an Eagle Scout
I am ...
Of course, little ones make this holiday so much fun and I'm happy to include photos and sentiments from Peter, Lucy and Brigette, along with a clever piece of Father's Day art from my friend Julie.
On this Fine Day!
Clockwise: Dad in the Army, 1943; My Dad the Horse Whisperer; Me and Dad, Christmas 1980; Dad at 16, an Eagle Scout
I am ...
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Great Handmade Father's Day Gift Ideas
Jun 9, 2014 by
Father's Day is just around the corner! Handcrafted gifts are always a hit, and often the ones that mean the most. My father was always so enthusiastic when I gave him a special poem or song I had written just for him, played him a new piece on the piano, made him his favorite chocolate cake or presented him with gift certificates for free shoe shines and car washes. Open up your child's imagination this year and help them create their very own handmade surprise for dad.
Here are some fun ha...
Here are some fun ha...
Anti-Bullying Messages Resonate on Both Sides of the Pond
Jun 2, 2014 by
My children's book, Ducks in a Row, has themes that encourage children to accept and respect others for their differences and to be confident as they express themselves in the world. It's gratifying to see the story of the #MacQuackens used as a resource in school anti-bullying programs. I'm heartened by the comments I've received from educators, who use the book to teach character development. I especially loved the encouraging words of the Superintendent of Chicago Catholic Schools, Sister ...
Friends, Fun, and More at the Michigan Shore
May 27, 2014 by
I hope your Memorial Day weekend was filled with family, friends, food, fun and frolic!
I had a wonderful vacation with my long-time friends Ann and Thom Serafin. Mary Kay and Jimie Wheeler rounded out the fab five for a fun-filled weekend at the Michigan shore.
On last Friday's Facebook post, I gave a shout out to #ThomSerafin as a grill meister extraordinaire, a guy who really has his #ducksinarow when it comes to the art of the barbeque. Thom's prowess at the grill continued this weekend a...
I had a wonderful vacation with my long-time friends Ann and Thom Serafin. Mary Kay and Jimie Wheeler rounded out the fab five for a fun-filled weekend at the Michigan shore.
On last Friday's Facebook post, I gave a shout out to #ThomSerafin as a grill meister extraordinaire, a guy who really has his #ducksinarow when it comes to the art of the barbeque. Thom's prowess at the grill continued this weekend a...
April Showers Bring May Flowers
May 19, 2014 by
I'm always curious to find out the origin of popular sayings.I was surprised to learn that this one goes all the way back to the 16th Century. The rhyme is an excerpt from 500 Points of Good Husbandry by English poet and gentleman farmer Thomas Tusser.Published in 1557, this little poem originally read:
Sweet April showers
Do spring May f...