Apostrophe Man
He flies in from a planet that's far, far away
to teach you contractions in a fun new way!
Because good writing often asks for one word, not two,
Apostrophe Man will show you just what to do.
He is Apostrophe Man!
Yes, he's Apostrophe Man!
The apostrophe mark is a very handy tool
to turn "you're" from "you are," to make "you will" into "you'll."
When you need a contraction you can call on this guy;
with his symbol at the ready, right in he will fly.
When Elaine goes to schools on an author visit day,
This fellow flies along with her to have his say.
Because when you've got two words and you want to make one,
Apostrophe Man will help you get the job done!
"Elaine Harrison's author presentations are fantastic! Six months after her last visit, the students were still talking about
Elaine and performing the rap of her new superhero, Apostrophe Man. What a clever way to teach contractions! ... Elaine
made this day one of the year's best for our children!"
- Mary Ellyn Billmeyer
Principal, Streamwood, IL